Who Is Jesus?

The God of the Bible is the just and gracious Creator of all things.

(Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:16) Response: Realize that God created us and we are accountable to Him with our actions both good and bad.

We have all chosen to sin and rebel against God, and deserve His judgement and wrath.

(Romans 5:12, Romans 3:23, Revelation 21:8, John 3:36) Response: Realize that because of your sin you deserve God’s judgement which is eternal death and hell, separated from Him for eternity.

In love God sent His son Jesus to die on a cross and rise from the dead in order to pay the punishment of our sin.

(John 3:16, I John 2:2, Isaiah 53:5) Response: Recognize that we are helpless to have peace with God apart from Jesus Christ.

The only way to be forgiven of our sin is through faith in Jesus Christ.

(Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9) Response: Understand in order to have true faith in Jesus you must reject your unbelief and self-sufficiency. We must turn to Jesus and trust in Him and nothing else for forgiveness.

Our eternal destiny is dependent on our response to Jesus Christ and what he has done for us.

(John 14:6, Romans 10:13) Response: Cry out to God to save you from your sin, put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and confess Him as Savior and Lord of your life.